The Hand Crafters Companion -- Does This Book Deliver More Than It Promises?
The Hand Crafters Companion Review -- This review is based upon a thorough reading and review of the tips, suggestions, and 'secrets' touted on the sales page of The Hand Crafters Companion:
Lets begin. I discovered the Hand Crafters website as I searched for craft ideas in the spa products marketplace because it's something that I am really interested in.
My first impression after buying the downloadable book was that it looked better than I was expecting. Looks are not important when it comes down to it, but it does help as you spend time reading something on your computer or printing it out. It has a fabulous layout.
The Hand Crafters Companion Review Part 1:
I was expecting The Hand Crafters Companion to get into recipes and ingredients for spa and bath products right away. It begins with spa product labeling, packaging, branding, and other areas of the spa and bath products industry I wasn't thinking about.
I was focused on learning about ingredients and how to make different types of spa and bath products. But I was pleasantly surprised as I learned how important and interesting these areas really are.
Labeling is important if you are going to sell your products. I was not intending to sell my products until I read through this entire course (more on that in a moment).
There are a few important labeling issues that require ones attention if you are to sell your products. This guide covers labeling and provides resources to help you nail it down. The Hand Crafters Companion also shows you where to get good labels made without spending lots of money if you don't want to do it yourself. There is a lot more to it, and I found it very educational.
The Hand Crafters Companion Review Part 2:
Then The Hand Crafters Companion gets into 'Safety'. This was another surprise to me because I once again was expecting just recipes and tips. But now I felt like I was getting a very good education in the area of Spa products...
I learned about various oils and herbs that one should not use or handle in some cases if they suffer from high blood pressure, are pregnant. And what herbs and oils may cause skin irritants, and more.
The Hand Crafters Companion Review Part 3:
The next subject was another great education. The Hand Crafters Companion has a section on 'Suggested niche markets'. This alone I personally found to be a gold mine. It's a short write up but it's concise and will get your wheels turning. It really inspired me to sell spa products. At this point I found myself feeling very good about this course, and I hadn't even gotten into the recipes and other areas of Spa product creation.
The Hand Crafters Companion Review Part 4:
The section on 'How to develop your brand' was better than most business books I've read in the past. And it's not boring or long. It's short, concise, and I learned a few things that could really make a difference in my spa products business.
Developing your brand is very important for short term and long term growth and this section will save you a lot of time and effort. If you want your products to sell off the shelf, this along with the labeling section is priceless.
Now, you might be wondering if this book is all about selling spa products. It is not (keep reading), but the information is top notch and fun to read...
The Hand Crafters Companion Review Part 5:
The section on 'Packaging' is going to help you sell much more of your products. I thought I had this area figured out, until I read through this section now I can't wait to start implementing the packaging tips.
For example, 'color plays a major role in mood associations that determine the way we feel about products. Research has proven that up to 60% of a consumers first impression of a products comes from its color." A list of colors and what emotions they evoke are listed here. And that's just a tiny sampling of what this section will help you understand, and more importantly, sell more product.
The Hand Crafters Companion Review Part 6:
The sections on how to create spa products is where you'll like to spend most of your time over the next couple of years. You'll discover all kinds of ideas and mixtures to consider for the right scents, fragrances, sachet's, potpourri recipes, and a whole lot more...
You'll also get pages and pages of recipes for:
- Aromatherapy blends
- Bath teas
- Additives and soaks
- Bubble baths and bath bombs
- Butters
- Balms, and lotions
- Handcrafted soaps
- Bath salts and scrubs
The techniques, ideas, and recipes in this section are worth several times the small investment in The Hand Crafters Companion alone.
The Hand Crafters Companion Review SUMMARY:
I am so excited about this resource because not only does it give you all the labeling and marketing tools you need to get started; it supplies you with recipes for all kinds of spa products to create from your home. Plus, it covers where to get all the supplies and tools for low cost even wholesale prices!
The HandCraftersCompion gets my highest recommendation. It delivers way more than it promises, and I can't say enough about it. As a matter of fact, my friend owns a spa chain and they are tired of forking over huge sums of money to lotion companies and spa products companies. They sell lots of these products but more and more their clients are buying the same products on the internet for way below retail prices. They have been trying to figure out how to make their own products and sell them off the shelf. The HandcraftersCompanion is their answer! And I can't wait to show it to them.
But the best part of this whole thing is that it's fun! I get to make exciting new lotions, aroma therapies, sachets, and soaps all from home. And I can get my family involved. It's educational for the children and...well I could go on and on. Just buy the The Hand Crafters Companion now. If you don't think it's anything that I say it is, just request a refund. That's it!
My Incentive To You...
I really want you to get this book because I think anyone interested in crafts, lotions, or spa products will find it a huge inspiration and helpful resource for years to come. I know I will...
So I am going to give you something for making the right decision and ordering it. I am going to give you $92.80 of books (downloabable books). All you have to do is order through this link and forward your email receipt to Karen [AT] and I will send them right away.
Here are the titles of your free crafting ebooks that I am going to personally send you for your ordering The Hand Crafters Companion through this link:
How To Plan A Fabulous Home Day Spa! Audio MP3 AND Downloadable Book (PDF)! This great course will help you plan a fantastic home day spay for you and your friends. You'll learn exaclty how to plan the ultimate home day spa, save money, and rejuvinate just like at a high end spa...but without the big bucks. A $17 value!
Crocheting Made Easy! A 45 page downloadable book that shows you tips and secrets on how to crochet. Reguarly $19.95.
Dress Making Made Easy! A 30 page guide takes you by the hand and teaches you the important basics of how to make a dress and sets you on your way. Regularly $17.95.
Be A Scrapbook Pro! Discover the secrets of creating scrapbooks like the pros! This downloadable book is 41 pages of step by step tips and secrets that will show you how to make amazing scrapbooks that your friends and family will love, and envy! Regularly $19.95.
800 Craft Recipes! This 118 page downloadable manual is nothing but recipes of old time favorite craft recipes. There are recipes for salt dough, cinnamon ornaments, play dough, silly putty, bubbles, finger paint and puppets. I can't list them all, after all there are nearly 120 pages, 800 recipes of crafts, activities, and gifts that children can make and even a few just added for fun. A $17.95 Value!
Since these downloable crafting books are selling on their own are regular prices, and they are worth $92.80, I must put a deadline of 7 days on this offer. But don't procrastinate. I promise you that you will LOVE...LOVE! The HandCraftersCompanion. Get it now before you forget and get all the bonus ebooks now...By the way...if you think that what I say about The HandCraftersCompanion is not true request a refund and keep all the bonus downloable books as my gift for your trouble.
I know, it sounds like I am the actual author of The HandCraftersCompanion the way I'm going on here. But I'm not. I just want you to enjoy it as much as I do, and maybe we can share our concoctions and success stories if you decide to start selling them!
Karen Powers
PS: The bonus crafting books are only available for 7 days! And you can keep all of them even if you decide TheHandCraftersCompanion is not right for you.