Enjoy These Halloween Crafts For Kids

Teaching halloween crafts for kids is extremely rewarding...
No one enjoys Halloween more than children. It is the kind of make-believe world in which they revel. You can add to their excitement by making them create Halloween decorations.
The simplest is making a balloon jack-o-lantern. Buy a pack of orange fluorescent balloons, a couple of black marker pens and color stickers. Inflate a balloon and ask the child to paint an eye, a nose and face on its surface. The child can also use sticking tape to make the eye and mouth. Encourage the child to make the face look as fierce as possible. Soon, you will have scores of balloon jack-o-lanterns floating around the house.
Paper Plate Halloween Crafts For Kids: The children can also be asked to use paper plates to make jack-o-lanterns. They can be given orange paint to color a paper plate. Next black construction paper can be cut in the shape of eyes, nose and mouth and glued on the plate. If the child can draw, then a black marker pen can be used to make a frightening face. Slightly older children can glue buttons, noodles, beads etc to make paper jack-o-lanterns.
But it is spiders that will excite them most...
Halloween crafts for kids become really exciting when you enter SPIDERS! Staple a small paper plate in the centre of a large paper plate, and ask the child to paint both the sides a deep black. Next show the child how to cut spidery legs from black construction paper, and ask the child to paste them. To give an eerie look, white eyes can be pasted on the centre plate, and the spider hung from the wall.
If, however, you want to make Halloween crafts for kids that have real fun then suggest broom art. This is real messy stuff, but can be great fun for kids. The child can be asked to tape thick butcher paper on a smooth surface, ideally in the garden. Fluorescent paint can then be squeezed on top of the paper, and the child handed a broom to make weird, funny and spooky shapes. The paper can then be glued on a strip of cardboard and hung in the night.
And don't forget the trick or treat bag. The child can be provided a brown paper bag with handles, and asked to paint ghosts, spiders in fluorescent colors. This can then be proudly carried by the child on Halloween night.
Of course, not miss out on pumpkins. Halloween crafts for kids that involve pumpkins are almost mandatory. However, the child should never be asked to scoop the pumpkin, or carve a pumpkin body. This must be done by you. The child should be asked to paint the pumpkin face or stick colored tape.
Watch the joy on the child's face when he unleashes the decorations on his unsuspecting friends. It will add to your Halloween glow.
Halloween crafts for kids are fun to create and keep kids busy and excited. Let us know what Halloween crafts for kids and/or decorating tips you have and we can share them with our newsletter subscribers. Try Our FREE Newsletter: Arts And Crafts Secrets. It's FREE!
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